Articles of the South Sound Lacrosse League

Article One—NAME

The name of this organization shall be The South Sound Lacrosse League, which will herein be referred to as SSL.

Article Two—PURPOSE

SSL’s purpose is to support our mission statement by providing an organization structure that enables youth lacrosse to operate, develop, and grow in our region.

Article Three—MEMBERSHIP

Membership in SSL shall be open to any amateur, community based youth lacrosse organization which is not-for-profit, maintains an open membership, and is located within our geographical region as specified within our rules and regulations that is under served by a current member.

Specifically, an organization sponsoring a youth lacrosse program may be a member of SSL if it meets the following conditions:

1. The organization must agree to promote the game of lacrosse among youth in a safe andsportsmanlike environment.

2. The organization must be not-for-profit.

3. The organization must have open registration. Registration must allow for participation regardless of sex, race, creed, color, or religion.

4. No player may be paid for his or her participation in the organization whether the same be money or other valuable consideration.

5. The organization must pay on a current basis all SSL dues, assessments, and fees.

6. The organization must maintain an appropriate liability insurance policy which minimum standards are set by the Board of Directors.

7. The organization must select a representative of the organization to be a member of SSL Board of Directors.

8. The organization must abide by and follow all SSL Bylaws and Rules & Regulations as adopted by the Board of Directors.

9. The organization must draw its players from a defined geographical region that is consistent with our play-for rules found within our rules and regulations.

10. The organization must represent and serve and an area which is considered underserved by the Board of Directors and not draw players from a current program. Application for new membership must be made in writing to the Board of Directors. Applications may be submitted before at any properly scheduled meeting of the Board, but will only be considered for the pending season if they are received before the fall meeting (typically November). Members are not required to renew membership. SSL members have the right to accept or reject any such application without cause. Such application will be decided by a simple majority vote. Newly approved members will receive Provisional membership for the first year after which a simple majority will affirm their permanent membership.


1. There shall be a Board of Directors of SSL consisting of one representative from each SSL member organization.

2. A board member may also be a member of the executive committee as outlined below, but does not gain a second vote for holding such position.Article Five—DUTIES OF THE BOARD OF


The Board of Directors shall conduct and transact the business of SSL. The Board shall be the sole governing body of SSL except as otherwise provided herein. The Board shall represent SSL and shall have the power to amend the Bylaws, Rules, and Regulations to further the purpose of SSL. The Board shall elect an Executive Committee that will be comprised of at least: President Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary. The Board of Directors may elect other officers from time to time as needed.

Article Five—MEETINGS

1. Annual Meeting: The annual meeting of SSL each year shall be the February meeting of the Board of Directors held at such time and place as the Board of Directors may determine. At least seven (7) days before the date of the annual meeting, the Secretary shall send notice of the time and place of the meeting to the designated representative of every member in good standing at his or her address as it appears in the SSL membership roll book.

2. Regular Meetings: Regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held periodically on an as-needed basis. Generally, it is expected that there will be at least 3 regular meetings during the period of January through June, and an additional 3 meetings between August and December. Board members should be aware of their obligation to attend these meetings prior to committing to taking the position. At least seven (7) days before the date of a regular meeting, the Secretary shall send notice of the time and place of the meeting to the designated representative of every member in good standing at his or her address as it appears in the SSL membership roll book.

3. Officer Meetings: As the officers will have the day-to-day responsibility for running operations, they may meet more frequently

4. Special Meetings: Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by the Administrative Director when he/she deems it in the best interest of the organization. In addition, at the request of at least two (2) members of the Executive Committee or one third (1/3) of the members of the Board of Directors, the Administrative Director shall call a special meeting. At least seven (7) days before the date of a special meeting, the Secretary shall send notice of the time and place of the meeting to the designated representative of every member in good standing at his or her address as it appears in the SSL membership roll book.

5. Quorum: The presence of not less than fifty (50%) percent of the members shall constitute a quorum and shall be necessary to conduct the business of this organization. A meeting in which there is no quorum may be adjourned for a period of not more than three (3) weeks from the datescheduled and the secretary shall cause a notice of this scheduled meeting to be sent to all those members who were not present at the meeting originally called. A quorum as hereinbefore set forth shall be required at any adjourned meeting.

Article Six—VOTING

1. Each member organization in good standing and not a provisional members shall be entitled to one vote.

2. Except as otherwise provided herein, all votes of the Board of Directors shall be decided by a simple fifty-one (51%) percent majority of the members attending.

3. At all meetings, all votes shall be by voice, except that any questions may be voted upon by ballot if a fifty-one (51%) percent majority of the members attending so requires.

4. For efficiency, it may periodically be deemed necessary for a board vote by email. In such cases, responses shall be concise and clear (such as YES or NO). In these cases, failure to respond will be considered absentee. Failure to reach a quorum forces the issue to be resolved through a second email vote, or at the next in-person meeting.

5. In the event that a particular member is deemed in violation of the Bylaws, Rules, or Regulations of SSL, the membership may move to suspend that member’s voting privileges. Further, any member which is not current in its dues as set forth in these Bylaws shall not be entitled to cast a vote for any reason whatsoever at a meeting of the Board of Directors.


The order of business may be changed from time to time at the discretion of the Administrative Director.


SSL shall have the following officers: President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary. The Board of Directors may elect other officers from time to time as needed. Individually, each officer will have the duties outlined below. Collectively, these officers comprise the Executive Committee and will hold the duties outlined below.


1. President: The Administrative Director shall preside at all meetings. The Administrative Director shall appoint all officers and committees not required to be elected. The Administrative Director shall submit an annual report to the Board of Directors at its annual meeting. The Administrative Director shall communicate, collect and report all conditions of organizations. The Administrative Director shall serve a two-year term with elections to be conducted at the Fall Meeting to be held in October, November, or December of each and every year. An Administrative Director may serve one or more consecutive terms so long as he/she is duly elected by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Fall Meeting. The Administrative Director shall have the authority to execute checks, which must also be executed by the Treasurer.

2. Vice President: The Policy Director shall perform such duties as may be delegated to him/her by the Administrative Director. The Policy Director shall succeed to the powers of the Administrative Director in his/her absence. The Policy Director shall serve a two-year term with elections to be conducted at the Fall Meeting to be held in October, November, or December of each and every year. A Policy Director may serve one or more consecutive terms so long as he/she is duly elected by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Fall Meeting. The Policy Director shall have the authority to execute checks, which must also be executed by the Treasurer.

3. Secretary: The Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of meetings of the Board of Directors and of the Executive Committee, file any certificate required by any statute, federal or state, keep an accurate roll of all members of the organization, give and serve all notices to members of the organization, be the official custodian of the records and seal of the organization, present to the membership at any meetings any communication addressed to the secretary of the organization, attend to all correspondence of the organization, and exercise all duties incident to the office of secretary. The Secretary shall serve a one-year term with election to be conducted at the Fall Meeting to be held in October, November, or December of each and every year. A Secretary may serve one or more consecutive terms so long as he/she is duly elected by a two thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Fall Meeting. The Secretary shall have the authority to execute checks, which must also be executed by the Treasurer.

4. Treasurer: The Treasurer shall have charge of all monies received of SSL and shall keep a specific, detailed, and accurate accounting of income and expenditures. The Treasurer shall submit a statement of the financial status of SSL at each and every Board of Directors meeting and as the Administrative Director may direct. The Treasurer must sign any and all checks distributed by SSL. The Treasurer shall serve a one-year term with election to be conducted at the Fall Meeting to be held in October, November, or December of each and every year. A Treasurer may serve one or more consecutive terms so long as he/she is duly elected by a two thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Fall Meeting. No officer or director shall for reason of the office be entitled to receive any salary or compensation, but nothing herein shall be construed to prevent an officer or director from receiving any compensation from the organization for duties other than as a director or officer.

6. Executive Committee: The Executive Committee shall be responsible for executing the policies set by the Board of Directors and for carrying out the functions of the Board between meetings of the Board. It shall normally carry out its duties by telephone, correspondence, or meetings as determined by the President All Executive Committee votes shall be by voice. The Executive Committee shall report all of its decisions to the next meeting of the Board of Directors for their review and ratification. The Executive Committee shall be charged with the determination of Rules and Regulations violations including Rules violations, eligibility violations, flagrant violations of the Bylaws, and other such violations that may occur. Except as provided for under Paragraph 5 of this Article and under Article Twelve, the Executive Committee shall be empowered to make a binding decision regarding any and all violations. Upon a showing of good cause, the Executive Committee shall be authorized to order and direct the replaying of any league game. Upon a showing of good cause, the Executive Committee shall be authorized to recommend suspension of any member organization for flagrant violations of the Bylaws, Rules, or Regulations of SSL. The Executive Committee shall fulfill its duties under Article Twelve – Grievance & Disciplinary Proceedings. An Executive Committee decision or action may not be challenged or otherwise overruled except by a seventy-five (75%) percent majority vote of the Board of Directors, exclusive of Executive Committee members, sitting in a properly constituted meeting. In the event the decision or action is vacated by a seventy five (75%) percent vote of the Board of Directors, exclusive of Executive Committee members, then the Board of Directors shall beentitled to vote on the issues so overruled and vacated. The Board of Directors shall conduct a vote to determine the issues previously determined by the Executive Committee. Only a seventy five (75%) percent majority vote of the Board of Directors shall be effective to render a final decision on said issues. In the event the Board of Directors is unable after two votes to have a seventy-five (75%) percent majority vote a final decision on the issues overruled and vacated, then the initial decision or action of the Executive Committee shall be reinstated and be final.


1. Grievance Statements: Any person or organization alleging that he, she, or it has been aggrieved in any matter within the jurisdiction of SSL may, within four (4) days of the occurrence of the incident or of obtaining knowledge of the incident on which such alleged grievance is based, submit to the Administrative Director of SSL a written grievance statement. This statement shall specify the person or organization responsible for the alleged grievance, the nature of the grievance, and the relief desired. An extension of the time to file such statement may be granted by the President in his/her sole discretion. In the event the President is a party to a grievance, the Secretary shall fulfill the President’s responsibilities as described herein. If the Secretary and President are both parties to the grievance, it shall be considered by the whole Board of Directors, which shall appoint a Review Board as provided for in Paragraph 2 of this Article. In such event, the Review Board shall report directly to the entire Board of Directors.

2. Referral to a Review Board: The President shall commence a proceeding by appointing, within three (3) days of receiving the statement of grievance, a Review Board of at least three persons to whom the matter shall be referred.

3. Preliminary Action by Review Board: If the Review Board determines that no reasonable grounds for a grievance exist, it shall within three (3) days make a written decision stating the grounds for its decision and shall deliver copies to the President and the party alleging the grievance.

4. Delivery of the Statement of Grievance – Right to Reply: If the Review Board determines that there are reasonable grounds for such grievance, it shall deliver a copy of the statement of such grievance to the person or organization allegedly responsible for such grievance. Such person or organization shall have seven (7) days in which to reply. An extension of the time to file such statement may be granted by the Review Board in its sole discretion. The reply shall be in writing and shall be delivered to the Review Board at the address specified by it and to the party alleging the grievance.

5. Mediation by Review Board – Setting Time and Place for Hearing: The Review Board shall then attempt to settle the grievance by mediation, If the attempt to mediate is  unsuccessful, the Review Board shall set a place, date, and time for a hearing that is reasonably convenient for all parties. The hearing must be conducted as provided in Paragraph 6 of this Article.

6. Hearing by Review Board – Findings & Decisions: At the hearing, each party and the Review Board shall be entitled to call witnesses, whose testimony may be taken under oath as determined by the Review Board, produce evidence, and submit memoranda supporting his, her, or its position and shall be entitled to be represented by counsel. Stenographic minutes may be taken, the cost of which shall be borne equally by the party alleging the grievance and the party alleged to have committed the grievance, and otherwise, as assessed by the Review Board. Within five days after the conclusion of the hearing, any party wishing to do so may deliver a further written statement to the Review Board. The Review Board shall then make written findings of fact that shall be final and make a written decision that shall include grounds for the decision and recommended relief or disciplinary action, if any. It shall deliver a copy of its findings of fact and decision to the Administrative Director and to each party.

7. Disciplinary Action: In the event relief or disciplinary action is recommended by the Review Board, the President shall make copies of the written findings and decision of the Review Board and distribute them to the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall either affirm,Mamend, or remand the recommended relief or disciplinary action to the Review Board for furtherMconsideration and shall make a written decision which shall state the grounds for the decision. Copies of its decision shall be delivered to the parties and the Review Board. In the event relief or disciplinary action is to be taken, copies of the findings of fact and decision of the Review Board and the decision of the Executive Committee will be distributed to all members of the Board of Directors and other parties affected by the relief or disciplinary action. Decisions of the Review Board will be treated as Executive Committee decisions by the Board of Directors as provided for under Article Eleven. Paragraph 5.

Article Eleven—SALARIES

The Executive Committee shall hire and fix the compensation of any and all employees who they in their discretion may determine to be necessary in the conduct of the business of the organization.


All committees and delegates of SSL shall be appointed by the President, except as otherwise provided herein. Their term of office shall be for a period of one year, or less if sooner terminated by the action of the Board of Directors.

Article Thirteen—NOMINATIONS

The Board of Directors shall nominate officers for the coming season at the June meeting at a general meeting.

Article Fourteen—ANNUAL DUES Each member organization shall be required to pay annual dues in advance of the first game of each particular season. The amount of the dues may be increased or decreased by a two thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Board of Directors sitting in a properly constituted meeting.


The Board of Directors shall adopt such Rules and Regulations covering policy, organization, procedural, and competitive matters as it deems appropriate by a majority vote.

Article Sixteen—AMENDMENTS

1. These Bylaws may be altered, amended, repealed, or added to by an affirmative vote of not less than seventy-five (75%) percent of the Board of Directors sitting in a properly constituted meeting.

2. Any member may propose an Amendment to the Bylaws at any time by presenting it in writing to the Secretary. The Secretary shall distribute the proposed amendment to the Executive Committee which shall make a written recommendation, including the grounds for the recommendation, for or against the proposed change of the Bylaws.

3. The Secretary shall distribute the proposed amendment and the recommendation of the Executive Committee to all members at least seven (7) days prior to the next regular or special meeting of the Board of Directors at which the amendment shall be considered. If the amendment is not approved, it shall not be tabled again for consideration by the Executive Committee or the Board of Directors for a period of one year Bylaws of the South Sound Lacrosse League


South Sound Lacrosse (SSL) supports youth lacrosse for boys in 3rd through 8th grade who live in the South Sound area. Our mission is to develop our young players into both solid lacrosse players and good citizens. As such, our programs focus on providing a positive coaching environment that builds both self-esteem and modern lacrosse skills.


The responsibilities of the South Sound Lacrosse (SSL) shall be to organize, develop and promote boys youth lacrosse in Washington. It shall further be the responsibility of the SSL to supervise and administer boys’ youth lacrosse in Washington.


South Sound Lacrosse ADMINISTRATION

1) SSL will be composed of organizations that are independent with their own board of directors and financial resources to fund their own program.

2) The name South Sound Lacrosse refers to the league as a whole. Organizations operate under their own name with their own identity. SSL allows organizations to share in the planning and decision making while playing under the same rules and regulations.

3) SSL has a policy that we DO NOT share the coaches or players contact lists with anyone. This is a matter of privacy and people who give their email addresses to SSL have an expectation that it will not be passed on to for profit organizations, non-profit or companies.



1) The SSL Executive Committee will determine League dues and fees and present all financials in a transparent manner to the Board of Directors for approval annually. Every team in SSL will pay these dues and fees to the league Treasurer on the date announced by the Executive Committee. Failure to pay regular fees or dues shall cause the club to be on probation until all fees and dues are paid.

2) Each SSL organization will agree to a year-end reconciliation accounting process. Within that process all credits and charges will be applied to the organization’s account and if there is an outstanding balance, said organization will pay the amount due in a timely manner. Examples of credits and charges would include things like referee no shows (credits) and referee for extra scheduled games (charges).

3) All home field scheduling and home field use costs are the responsibilities of each organization.



1) SSL comprises youth lacrosse programs that are generally in the South Puget Sound area. To be  eligible for membership, the youth program must serve an area where there currently is not a membership program that is established. The determination of the underserved will be determined by the SSL Board of Directors.

2) Programs that wish to join the SSL and that meet the geographical requirements above, may apply to the Board of Directors for membership. Applications must be submitted by the December meeting and it will take a two-thirds majority vote by the SSL Board of Directors (each member organization receives one vote).

3) Each new member organization will be on a one-year probationary term. At the end of the probationary term the SSL Board of Directors will then take a vote at the pre-season meeting. A majority vote will be required to give the new member organization permanent status.

4) No organization may be expelled from SSL without a majority vote by the SSL Board of Directors.

5) The following conditions may be grounds for a motion to expel an organization:

a. An organization shows a repeated disrespect for the by-laws, rules and codes set forth by the SSL Board of Directors.

b. Repeated attempts are made by the SSL Board of Directors to get the offending organization into compliance and the offending organization refuses to correct the problems.

c. At the end of season meeting with the SSL Board of Directors and the organization in question in attendance, the issue will be debated and discussed. An agreement can be reached to correct the problems or the SSL Board of Directors call for a silent majority vote if no agreement can be reached. The result of the vote will be final.

6) If an organization is expelled, a letter from the SSL Board of Directors will be sent to the expelled organization president detailing the reasons. An expelled organization can re-apply for membership after a one-year period.

7) It is mandatory that all SSL organizations have team liability/medical insurance. If a team/franchise or organization is found not to have liability insurance, they will be immediately suspended from all league functions.



1) South Sound Lacrosse will be based on the following three (3) divisions based on grade. 3/4 Division – 3rd and 4th grade players · The player must be currently enrolled in either 3rd or 4th grade of the current school year. A 2nd grader can play only if that player is wait listed until registration closes and the addition of that player to the team would not displace a 3rd or 4th grader from the team. Allowing a 2nd grader to participate is also at the discretion of the club and coach.

5/6 Division – 5th and 6th grade players · The player must be currently enrolled in either 5th or 6th grade of the current school year.

7/8 Division – 7th and 8th grade players· The player must be currently enrolled in either 7th or 8th grade of the current school year.

2) No player can play up a division unless needed to field a team due to low registration numbers. (Exception for 2nd graders listed above)

3) It is the responsibility of each organization to verify the grade of each player it registers. In the event of a dispute, grade will be verified using the participant’s school or state records.

4) A player can only be listed on one team roster per season.

5) The policy for team rosters is listed below:

All Grade Divisions - Team rosters must be set prior to the start of the season. Teams will include a picture team roster in the team scorebook. 3/4 Division - Swing players are allowed if a team at game time has less than 10 players from their team roster to play the game. The team coach may add swing players to the games roster up to a maximum of 10 total players. If team roster players arrive during the game, the swing players must be removed from the bench and not continue to play in the game. If using swing players, the maximum number of players available for game play, is 10 players. The coach must notify the opposition coach that they are using swing players and which player are swing players. Swing players must be from the same club, from the same grade division or one grade below the game team. 5/6 and 7/8 Divisions - Swing players are allowed if a team at game time has less than 13 players from their team roster to play the game. The team coach may add swing players up to a maximum of 13 players total for the game roster. If team roster players arrive during the game, the swing players must be removed from the bench and not continue to play in the game. If using swing players, the maximum number of players available for game play, is 13 players. The coach must notify the opposition coach that they are using swing players and which player are swing players. Swing players must be from the same club, from the same grade division or one grade below the game team.

6) Each player at all grade levels shall have 4 practices prior to the first game played at the beginning of each season.

7) All coaches must submit to a National background check through US Lacrosse with the host organization before having contact with players, unless that person is a minor under the age of 18. 2024 Spring Season All Coaches are required to uptain a USA Lacrosse Bronze level certification, First Aid/CPR certified, Junior Coaches, (Coaches under the age of 18 active US Lax Number, First Aid/CPR); Revisit in June 2024 coaches required certifications for Spring Season. Teams shall have no more than 4 coaches/people in the bench area during a sanctioned SSL game. Only the head coach will address the officials and the table. Any coach or adult in the bench area must wear a laminated lanyard identifying their name, US Lacrosse number, affiliated club and position. This lanyard will represent that they have passed a background check, have a US Lacrosse number and can interact with the children in the bench area during a game. All assistant coaches are required to have a valid US Lacrosse Coaching number, have passed a National background check through US Lacrosse, current Abuse Prevention and be certified in CPR and First Aid and hold a valid current card. Each team will have a properly stocked first aid kit, emergency contact list for all team players and a cell phone on the sidelines of all SSL league games and practices. For purposes of contacting emergency vehicles, each team will always have the property address of the playing field available. All clubs will have a coach of conduct to include, coaches setting a positive example at practice and games, respecting officials/players/parents and steps to be taken when a coach violates the Code of Conduct.



One of the main objectives of the programs comprising the SSL is to promote Lacrosse at the youth levels (grades K-8) while preparing our youth players to play with their respective High School programs whenever possible. In support of this, youth programs will draw from geographic boundaries set by the league and will generally align with High School catchment areas. All clubs within the South Sound League must clearly define their catchment areas on their website and during the registration process. Clubs must present to the SSL Board any catchment area changes and receive two-thirds vote of approval for the requested changes. Catchment area disputes between clubs will be presented to the SSL board for resolution.

The Following criteria will be used to determine the program/club eligibility for each player:

1) The first determining factor will be based on the current school of attendance. Players must play with the program associated or affiliated with their school of attendance within their home club catchment area. A High Schools catchment area is defined as all public schools (Elementary & JuniorHigh) that naturally feed into a common High School.

Example of a single High Schools catchment area:




In the event a player attends a “shared” school that feeds into two or more High Schools the player's home address will be used to determine program eligibility in which they participate. A program that registers a player(s) from a shared school must notify the other club to which that school of all players registered to include registration information. Any player receiving an approved academic or athletic waiver to attend a school outside their normal catchment area will register and play for the program associated with the new attending school. The players must be able to provide a copy of an approved school district waiver upon registration to the new program. Players enrolled and participating in specialty education programs that do not require a district attendance waiver during Elementary and Junior High that naturally returns to their Home High School will continue to register and play with their home program. These programs include but are not limited to the following examples. (STEM, PAGE, QUEST, or other Special Learning Programs)

2) Players attending a non-public school, private school, tribal school, home schooled and the like, that does not have their own youth lacrosse program will default to the player's home club catchment area as defined by the residence of the player. In many cases homeschooled students are permitted to participate in school based athletic programs. In this situation the student would register and play with the program associated or affiliated with that school.

3) There are several public schools (K-8) within the State of Washington that are not associated or aligned directly with a High School. In this situation players will register with the club/program that is associated or affiliated within that geographical boundary area. In the event strong numbers allow, a club may request to form to provide the student athletes within that school’s geographic boundaries or catchment area. These boundaries will be based on the school’s catchment area or independent school district depending on what’s best for the forming program, neighboring programs and the league.

4) In the unusual circumstance a youth player attends a school or resides in an area that is not covered by any lacrosse organization or program, that player will register on the waitlist of the closest bordering program based on the home address of the player.

5) During years of a School boundary change the SSL board will carefully examine these new boundaries along with the effective club/program to determine if any changes are required. In most cases a program’s rising 8th graders would be allowed to choose between staying with their current organization during their final year of youth Lacrosse or choosing to move to the new organization when directly affected by a district boundary change.

6) No program will actively “recruit” players who do not meet eligibility requirements for their program as listed above. The players must attend a school that is within the programs catchment area or meet the address requirements to qualify to play for a program. Recruiting being defined as contact by a Coach/Board member or anyone (parent, player) with knowledge of an otherwise ineligible player in an attempt to influence in any way to become eligible for a program outside their program.

7) Wait lists: If a program is full and cannot accept a player onto the roster, the home program may choose to create a waitlist. If this occurs, that waitlisted player may apply to programs outside their home program pending acceptance off the waitlist. The outside program/club must be the next closest program/club based on the player's home address. If that player is accepted onto an outside program, he must obtain a written confirmation from their home program no more than three weeks prior to the first scheduled league games confirming that they cannot accept the player for that season (and have not accepted any subsequent wait listed players). Any such exception for a waitlisted player is valid for one-year only. Further, no outside player can be accepted unless all in-program players are already on the roster. There are no grandfather rights to retain this player on an ongoing basis. These final two conditions are to ensure that no outside program players are accepted until all in-program players are accepted (even those that apply after the “official” registration date). Exception: If a program has an early registration period for returning players and a returning player did not register during this period and thus has become wait listed, then that player may not play for an outside program.

8) Hardship Waiver Request: A player may request a waiver to play for an outside program due to hardship. The outside or accepting program must first request and receive a release of the player from the player's home program. Once received, the SSL Representative of the outside or accepting program must then notify the SSL Executive Board during the next scheduled league meeting of a proposed waiver. When presenting this waiver, the representative must be prepared to share any clarifying details pertaining to the waiver. Upon completion of these steps listed ,the waiver will be voted on by the Board of Directors. In the event two or more clubs are unable to agree the matter will be presented to the SSL Board of Directors and must receive a two-thirds majority for an approval from the SSL Board of Directors. This vote must take place no less than three weeks prior to the first SSL game for that player's division.

*Note, any request for a hardship waiver must show a true hardship to the player and/or family. Waiver consideration will not be considered solely based on a convenience or preference. All approved waivers are valid for one season only. If approved, the waivered player must return to their home program the following season or resubmit a waiver request.

9) All boundary complaints or questions will be reviewed by a boundary committee formed by the president of SSL. Any willful violation will result in the offending team being removed from the end of season tournament and the parent club placed on probation for the following season. *If a violation is found and the offending club fixes the boundary dispute prior to the next scheduled game for that team, no sanctions against that team/club will be made. Any games played with the ineligible player will still result in a forfeit and be recorded as a 1-0 win for the opposing team.



Playing rules will be US Lacrosse rules with the following exceptions and clarifications:

1) Required Player Equipment

a) All players must be suited in full uniform. A uniform consists of a CERTIFIED NOCSAE helmet with a warning sticker, mouth guard, shoulder pads, arm pads, gloves, team jersey, and shoes. All male participants must also wear a protective cup. Goalies will wear appropriate chest protection and throat protection.

b) Players are not allowed to wear jewelry during practice or games. Emergency I.D. bracelets may be worn but must be covered with white athletic tape.

c) Only shoes with pliable, molded, non-detachable cleats will be allowed. An illegal shoe, defined by the Referee Association, is a shoe with cleats that can produce a cutting edge. Hard plastic cleats are not permitted.

d) Arm pads are required at all divisions for each player. Goalies are not required to wear arm pads.

2) Rules by Division

a. 7/8 Divisions, US Lacrosse 14U Rules Apply

b. 5/6 Divisions, US Lacrosse 12U Rules Apply, except where listed below:

--US Lacrosse rule 4.21 will be exempt, “on the fly” substitutions will be allowed.

--The 20/10 rule will be utilized for clears

c. 3/4 Divisions will follow the US Lacrosse U10 7v7 Rules, except where listed below:

--Crosse Dimensions: The Crosse may be 37 to 42 inches (Short Crosse)

--Long crosses are not allowed

--“On the fly” substitutions are allowed

--There must be two attempted passes after a face-off

--Players will serve their penalties and the team will play man-down

--Only the wing midfielder will be released on the face-off whistle

--One time-out per half

3) Responsibilities of the home team

a. Game balls and an adequate number of balls must be maintained at the end lines and sidelines.

4) Time Factors and Scoring For 5/6 and 7/8 Divisions

a. Four quarters, 10-minute stop clock, and sudden victory 4-minute overtime periods will be utilized.

b. Overtime – in the event of a tie, two (2) four (4) minute (sudden victory) overtime periods will be played. If, after two (2) overtime periods the score is tie, additional sudden victory overtime periods may be played until a winner is determined; provided time permits and coaches and officials agree.

c. Timeouts- two (2) timeouts are permitted per half, one (1) timeout for overtime.

5) Time Factors and Scoring For 3/4 Division

a. Four 8-minute stop clock, and sudden victory 4-minute overtime periods can be utilized.

b. Overtime – in the event of a tie, two (2) four (4) minute (sudden victory) overtime periods will be played. If, after two (2) overtime periods the score is tie, additional sudden victory overtime periods may be played until a winner is determined; provided time permits and coaches and officials agree.

c. Timeouts- one (1) two-minute timeout is permitted per half, one (1) timeout for overtime.

6) Play of the Game The game is to be played with emphasis on the proper development of stick, team, and sportsmanship skills:

a. Body checking is permitted at the 7/8th grade level only, however, no take-out checks are permitted by any player. Definition – Take–out checks: Checks in which the player lowers his head or shoulder with the force and intent to take out (*put on the ground) the other player. No body checking is permitted at the 3/4 and 5/6 grade level.

b. In any game and at any point during a game when there is a five-point lead, the team that is behind will be given the ball at the midfield line in lieu of a face-off as long as the five-point lead is maintained. This can be waived by the coach of the trailing team.

c. Fouling Out: Any player who accumulates 3 personal fouls or 5 minutes in personal foul penalty time shall be disqualified from the game. A substitute for that player may enter the game when the disqualified player would have been permitted to re-enter had he not fouled out.

d. All Divisions, Players will serve penalties with the team playing man down

e. Referees will conduct stick checks at the end of each quarter (2 minute non-releasable penalty for illegal stick shall be enforced)

7) Conduct/Personal Fouls

a. Ejection: A player, coach or anyone officially connected with the team shall be ejected for:

I. Deliberately striking or attempting to strike anyone or leaving the bench area during an altercation.

II. Second non-releasable, unsportsmanlike foul.

III. Any action deemed by the officials to be flagrant misconduct.

b. Any player or coach who uses derogatory language or taunts on/ from the field or bench, whether addressing a player, coach, or referee will be receive a One, Two- or Three-minute penalty or an immediate ejection based on the officials determination of severity.

c. Physical or verbal altercations before, during or after a game by players, coaches, officials or spectators will result in the ejection of that player, parent, coach, or spectator from the field location by the Field Manager.

d. Ejection of a player, coach or spectator by the official or Field Manager for any reason will result in the automatic suspension from participating in ALL SSL functions including all practices for a period to include the next scheduled game. The ejected player, coach or spectator will also not be eligible to play, coach or attend the next scheduled game.

8) Technical Fouls

For the 7/8 and 5/6 divisions, offensive stalling shall be enforced. The winning team is to keep the ball in the box during the last two minutes of the game when leading by 4 or less goals. No stalling rule shall be enforced at the 3/4 division.

9) Game spectators: Parents and spectators are to be situated on the opposite side of the field from the players box. Parents and Spectators may sit on the player's side of the field if there is a permanent barrier separating permanent seating from the bench area.

10) Grievances: All grievances shall be handled according to SSL By-Laws



1) Jerseys that completely cover the shoulder pads as described in the US Lacrosse rules are preferred. If a Pennie or sleeveless uniform is used a sleeved undershirt that covers the shoulder pads MUST be worn.

* Pennies or other types of sleeveless jerseys can be used if necessary when both teams have similar uniform colors. The home team is responsible to change to a non-conflicting uniform color and the lack of proper numbering will be tolerated. In this type of situation were a uniform change was not planned the requirement for a sleeved undershirt can be waived.



1) The game schedules for all SSL teams are to be established by the SSL Scheduler. All scheduling matters shall be addressed through the designated scheduler.

2) Exhibition or non-league games are scheduled at the discretion of the coach but must be reported to the SSL Scheduler. Any change to a scheduled game must be agreed upon between coaches of both teams 72 hours prior to the originally scheduled date and time. Changes to a scheduled game must also be reported to the referee scheduler 72 hours prior to the originally scheduled date and time. It is the responsibility of the coach requesting the change to contact the designated SSL. Non-league games will incur an additional charge to the home team for referees and will be subject to the year[1]end account reconciliation per the bylaws.

3) Changes that lead to a cancelation under 72 hours will result in a forfeited game and the cancelling team will be responsible the cost of the officials.

4) No organization or team will be allowed to be a member of SSL who refuses to play a scheduled game with another SSL team. Any SSL team refusing to play another SSL team shall be subject to sanctions as determined by the SSL Board.

5) Each organization will have a home field. This will encourage community involvement in the league. Organizations may choose to share a home field if they desire.

6) Upon completion of a game the coaches of both teams must email the SSL scheduled at the results of the game. This email must include the age group and names of both team, score of the game, number of officials, and any issues that could arise during a game. Best practices show that many programs choose to consolidate their teams game information with the programs Athletic Director and the Athletic Director sends the information to the SSL scheduler.



1) Each organization will be responsible for the conduct of their coaches, players and spectators. Any player, coach or spectator who is ejected from a game must follow all SSL rules regarding ejection from a game.

2) Each organization should provide a field manager for their assigned games. The field manager has the right to remove any spectator who is disruptive regardless of which team the spectator is cheering for.

4) Every parent, player and coach in each franchise will receive a “Code of Conduct Form”. It explains what’s expected as to their behavior at any and all SSL functions.

5) Physical or verbal altercations before, during or after a game by players, coaches, officials or spectators will result in the ejection of that player, parent, coach, or spectator from the field location by the Field Manager. Ejection of players, coaches, or spectators by officials will result in the automatic suspension from participating in all SSL functions, including all practices, for a period to include the next scheduled game. The SSL Board of Directors will review the incident with the players, parents, coaches, or spectators during the suspension period. At that time a silent vote will be taken to allow or disallow the individual to continue participation in league activities. The SSL Board of Directors can take action up to and including banning the individual from SSL League. If the individual is allowed to continue participation and is involved in a second offense, it will result in the automatic suspension from league play or participation for the remainder of the current year.

6) Altercations between parents, players, coaches, officials, or any other spectators will not be tolerated. Clubs must police themselves and make it clear to their organization that bad behavior will not be tolerated.



1) In any document one can find loopholes or ways to get around a rule. It’s up to the individual organizations to police themselves so as not to break the spirit of the codes and rules. An organization is only as good as the people in it who are willing to play above board in an honest and trusting manner. The SSL League was created to bring together strong independent youth Lacrosse organizations that are willing to work within an environment of mutual cooperation in which the advancement of Lacrosse and not just the individual organization are the main priority. The dynamics of youth lacrosse demands that a youth lacrosse league be operated in this manner. This allows the community, in which the organization resides to better serve that area, grow with the area and have a sense of ownership with the community.

2) Member organizations are expected to induce a spirit of high ideals in their teams. Member organizations are to practice the highest standards of sportsmanship and coaching ethics.

3) Member organizations will be responsible for providing proof that all their coaches have submitted to the National background check though US Lacrosse and that at all coaches from each team are first aid/CPR certified before taking the field. The Board strongly encourages all coaches to attend league and Washington Chapter of US Lacrosse sponsored coaching/training clinics.

4) The highest degree of ethical conduct is expected of all that participate in the league. This includes strict adherence to both the letter and the spirit of the rules and regulations. The use of alcohol, illegal drugs, tobacco products, and the use of profanity during practice or games are prohibited.

5) Violent conduct, holding / touching the facemask, or verbal abuse towards any player, coach, official or parent will not be tolerated and is prohibited.



1) At the end of each season the SSL Board of Directors will meet from time to time in the off-season to review these rules. If a rule is to be changed it will take a two-thirds majority vote by the member organizations (each member organization receives one vote)